Saturday, July 9, 2016

Everything Stream of Conscienceless

I'm a bit disappointed in myself as I meant to document EVERYTHING to include in the book that I WILL write.  The body of the story has already been written and how the final closing chapters are being lived, in real time, every day.  Who would have known that the closing would have its own cast of significant characters that are not even introduced until the end of the story!

So let me try to follow some kind of structure in this and future post around the most salient topics.  The life of the Grasshopper, Betty and Road Travel, Vanna & Cachew and their continued development, XIFFY and the learning curve, projects, plans and travels.  I will randomly try and document other significant events along the way as well.

First, the Grasshopper stream of consciensness.  I wish somehow that I could connect a device that would display my thoughts on a screen so others could see first hand what it's like to live in my head.  For the most part it's a blessing that I have the mind that I do but it can be a curse as well. It's ironic that the things that made me successful in business are the exact things that get me into trouble in retirement. Over thinking, over analyzing and expecting immediate results.  Coming from the business world and the positions that I held, retirement has been hard, but I have finally found my groove and I am VERY excited by the possibilities that are within grasp.

Betty the Rialta, and the lifestyle change that went with her, was the first step in this new chapter of my life. Bringing her back to life and dreaming of hitting the open road kept me occupied for months. Even if it was a project that I did in a vacuum by myself it would have been a nice respite from flailing about looking for a purpose.  But she was just the catalyst that delivered something that I never imagined, a community that surrounded me and some dear friendships that have resulted. There is a litany of sites out there that have online communities but I have not seen any quite like mine.  We get together in the park, people travel to see me and the kids, I travel to see others, there are affectionate nicknames for many and Betty would not be what she is without the community effort that went into her. I can just lay inside and look around and everything just brings a smile to my face from the french press, to the curtains, the slate entryway and all the way down to the first aid kit that unfortunately I was forced to use recently! All of the work that went into her from Faraci Automotive doing all things mechanical to the myriad projects that the Mackrat basically did himself while I just handed him tools!  They say that when you cook from love it makes all of the difference in a dish.  I believe the same holds true with Betty.  She is not only functional and sexy but there is no other Rialta on the road like her!  That being said, I truly enjoy driving her and will never give of the road part of the adventure.  I set out to restore her to glory and make her the best she could be and now she is there and lacking for NOTHING!  So, on to my first love, the open ocean!

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